

Today paper 1!! Morning reached sku at 6.45am and after quite a while then change seat to reg de...read thru english compo notes esp the proposal since we know tt proposal's coming out for exam...it's an open secret

English paper...quite alright...I wrote "perfection" but it felt more lyk obssession than perfection sia and..it's really rather weird lols hope dun score less than 19 ba...19 or 20 will be great liao...18~19 if my average compo marks lor so yea dun drop can le...
Wrote about 2.5 pages for proposal and er...3.75 pages for compo

Chinese...read rhru lots of stuff b4 exam but none were used haha always lyk tt =.= i think almost everyone in the class write Q5 aka 报章读后感 lor haha thx to czh ma haha
Shuting and company+Vanessa+Char all tell me they most probably write gonghan coz easier and they chionging tt b4 exam and i say wan write sihan lols
BUTBUTBUT they eventually wrote sihan...ALL of them T.T I wrote gonghan instead...wad an irony...lols
Wrote baozhang (4+pages) and gonghan(2.5pages)

Aiya dunno how's my essays leh...lyk not very gd but not too bad except my proposal which is horrible! lols wadeva...I always suk at situational writing no matter wad type it is =.=ll

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